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Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Hey! It worked! (and on the first try too! Wow...there's a first!) Ok, here's the erratic list of the last twenty people who found this journal through a search engine. (these crack me up) Ready?

Could not determine cwdir: No such file or directory.
Error 80070057 msxml3.dll
paying bills pics
cool ss bra pics
pics of two people having sex on there office desk
personel sex pics
personel sex
pictures of laser sugery
"my new job tomorrow"
wallpaper calander 2002
The Melting Pot Resturant
chilli's resturant site
my new glasses pics guy
wearing my glasses pics guy
my personel pics
my personel pics
webcam cemetary
"553 Could not determine cwdir: No such file or directory"

Oookaaay then, right? Sheesh. Glad to see that this place only gets traffic because people stumble here on accident! *lol* I'm going to run, buy some food (no dinner yesterday makes M a hungry girl), bring it back here, and write a real damn entry. That's just all there is to it, I need to write!

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