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Wednesday, January 30, 2002

Blah. Words, words, words. Insert meaning here.

Today was my Wednesday which means this Saturday is my Saturday. What that means is that this is the one Saturday a month that I have to work - it's only a half day; 8am-12pm. But, for working the Saturday, I get to work only a half day the Wednesday before. So, this is my Wednesday. It is wonderful to sleep in until after 10am and not have to be at work 'til noon. My day is flying by - so fast, I've not even had time to think about hooking up the cam. I know that the early wake-up on Saturday will be hell though..it always is. But, you gotta take the good and the bad I guess.

I don't know how I feel today. I'm just sorta here, going through the motions, getting my work done. I really want to do a new layout for this journal, but I don't know what I want to change it to. I like the eyes and such, but I think it's gotten too cluttered. Eh, when it comes to layouts, I'm never happy for long. I even want to redo the domain itself already and I've not even finished it as it is now. *sighs*

Anyway, got things to do so away I go...

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