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Friday, July 06, 2001

Jeez....can't not describe every little detail promptly can I? Can't give a girl a day to curl up in a ball and sob a bit without the the Spanish Inquisition?


Ok, let's backtrack and overview the recent events and I'll tell you why I had to pass on the opportunity afterall (even though I didn't want to)...

The Past
Ok, everyone knows that I was laid off my job in mid-April. This was after getting over my anemia and having had a long string of bad job retention due to poor health. So, I was poor and only barely making it at the time. The perk here was that I was living with my Love and at least had his physical, emotional, and material help to support me. But...our lease ended on April 30th and I was left without a job, without my Love, and without a place to live. Moved over 30 miles away to stay with my sister and set about entering a deep blue funk.

After some funk time, I went about looking for a job. As you may have noticed, the economy is on the downslide and right now, most places are laying off, not hiring. Meanwhile, my monthly bills kept piling up as well as the final bills/costs from the apartment. I also was still in the process of completing the last of my treatment for my anemia (getting blood work and follow up labs to ensure that the pluses were going to "stick") and needed to pay almost $200/month to keep my health insurance active. So, I had to turn to borrowing money from family, friends, and pretty much everyone I knew just to get the barest minimum of things kept up with. But, I wasn't truly staying out of the red and I actually kept sliding further south since I was "robbing Peter to pay Paul" as they say.

Additionally, many of the bills coming due were ones that were left over from the apt as I said, but not in my name. I had some credit issues from a few years back and therefore had all the utilities in someone else's name (such as the phone in my mother's and the power in my step father's). This is the key. The common misconception is that my debts are all credit-card based and therefore, something like debt management would help. Nope. (The only bill that's a "loan" is my car payment and I can't do anything but try to pay it as best I can.) Which means, I can't just NOT pay them or do anything to alleviate them short of paying them! To date, I am almost three payments behind on my car (owing May, June, and shortly July) which leaves me just barely ahead of repossession (at three, they consider me defaulted), still owing back moneys that I borrowed to keep from defaulting to this point, to keep my medical insurance (but not my car insurance!) active to cover the bills, to pay for gas, food, and all those necessities of life. But, I've not paid back any of those bills in other people's names (helping ruin their credit ontop of my own), nor my current bills (pesky things like those car payments, car insurance, and such), nor most of those "necessities of life" like food. I've been so poor that shampoo has been a luxury. Were it not for my mom and my friends feeling bad and feeding me at least once or twice a week, I'd have starved to death by now. (and considering I'm tiny - was about 113lbs at the start of this - and am now about 102, it's not an exaggeration).

Then I get this call for a company in Tampa. My first interview was May 15th. I remember the specifics since it was the day before my birthday. The interviewing process went on for over a month and ended up with a negative return. (meanwhile, very few other calls came in and NO interviews). They mentioned something about having another office that might need me, and I expected that was that.

The Present
I got a call about a week later to come up for an in-person interview in Gainesville. Figured why not? They'd pay my room and board for the trip, plus mileage. What did I have to lose? Things went well and they loved me. Told me that it was VERY cheap to live there and that I should think about it over the weekend and they'd call Monday. In the end, yes they offered me the job - at a tolerable pay rate (based on the "lower cost of living") but still one that was a $2K/year drop from my last temp job and a $5K/year drop from my last permanent position! - and I accepted. My cat got diagnosed that same time with the malignant tumor and I ended up getting up there the following week after the surgery. (which was another $800 that I borrowed half and am supposed to make the first of three payments of $121 on July 22nd for the other half)

At first, it was good. A brief scan of the paper and online ads showed TONS of apartments at about $300-400/month. The bad thing was that I didn't know until I really spent time there exploring the realities of the area, that those places were dorms and/or other student-only living. I'm no student and besides, I refuse to live in that kind of chaotic (and unsafe!) environment and therefore sought out the more "professional" or "family" communities that I've always lived in. To my surprise, it turned out they were more then double the cost of the dorms! AND, were as much as $250 more a month then what I was paying before! It was in no way cheaper to live there! It was MUCH more money!

Now, I was faced with the staggering realization that in order to move, I'd need to take a second job just to pay the NEW bills - monthly costs I don't have right now like rent, electric, water, etc. My single income was not enough to cover those costs and (here's the key) would never allow me to catch up on the over three thousand I am already back!

I tried to continue moving forward with the move away (for about three days) ignoring the facts, but realized as I faced more and more fees to even get started, that I just did not have the money to do it. I ran the logical, rational numbers over and over in my head, looking for something - anything! - that would make it work. In the end, I realized there was nothing that I could do. But I was so torn! Here was this great company who was really cool, willing to be really accommodating, and that was offering a really great (besides pay) opportunity. Damn if I didn't want to make it work!!

So. We are at July 3rd. I spent the whole day in tears as I gave up my self denial and truly accepted that the apartment application I held in my hand was not something I really could (financially) do. The rent alone would be over half my income a month and that's pending they'd even accept me with my credit so in shambles. (can you say "charge-offs?" I knew that you could!) I called pretty much everyone I knew I could talk to (at least could reach for sure at 2pm in the afternoon) and explained it out, begging for them to point out something I had missed. No one could. Everyone comforted me and agreed that my hands truly were tied. I gathered my things and finished my day, snagging my boss at the last minute to explain to him what I had come to realize.

He would not take no for an answer. He asked me to please not make any rush decisions. To enjoy the 4th, go home (as was my plan), and we'd talk with HR on Thursday. He all but made me promise to be there in the morning when he arrived. Dismayed and still panicked I was making the wrong decision, I agreed

I drove home that night with a full head. Nothing seemed sure anymore. I was having second doubts and was clinging to the hope that "something" could be worked out. I knew though, logically that the only way I could afford the move would be if I could continue to live free of new expenses for at least two months. (to dedicate all my money to catching up so I could afford to tack on new bills). In my heart though, I wanted it to work so badly that I allowed myself to be fooled that it would all just be ok.

Spent the whole time fluctuating between staying (and cutting my loses - I had just enough money left to me to either make it there and back on gas and nothing else) or giving it that final shot to see if anything could be done. I knew the odds were so low - afterall, it's not like companies pay for people's living for months on end all the time - but I still wanted to hope. It was not until almost 10pm July 4th that I made up my mind to "do the right thing" and at least go back up. They had been so kind and I felt I owed them nothing short of the moral high ground. I owed it to them to at least finalize what was to come (be it stay or be it go) in person. I also selfishly though that I would get another day's pay at least and it would help offset the costs of the constant trips. Facing a 2 1/2 hour drive and the gas tank eating my money for probably nothing, I left.

Got into Gainesville at about 12:40am. Found out that the hotel they moved me to closed at 11pm. Long and short of it was it was well after 1:30am before I checked in and was settled. Did not even sleep until 4:30am and then fitfully.

Alarm went off and I had a horrible headache, so knowing it probably didn't matter anyway, I called in and left a message for my boss saying I'd be late due to the lateness of my checking in. (blaming it on car trouble, not my indecision to even make the drive). Got in about 11am (instead of 9am) and he called me in almost immediately. Found myself trembling, wondering why I came back, just KNOWING that it wouldn't matter.

He asked what I had thought about and admitted to being surprised to see me. He had thought I was gone for good. (to be honest, so had I!) Went and saw the HR lady directly after. See, I had gone back clinging to his words from Tuesday, "I don't know what we can do, but let's see if we can on Thursday." When I saw her, the set of her face, the feel from her body and the way she briskly asked me what was wrong, I knew there was no such final offer of trying to make it work. It was all formalities to me leaving. She listened impatiently, dismissed outright the suggestion I made of working in the Tampa office temporarily to save money to move. Then she told me in a voice of ice that, "{I} should just go home then." I was heartbroken and barely heard her as she told me to leave now, check out of the hotel and that that was that.

Numbly, I left. Drove back again the way I had just come not 12 hours before.

Knowing I could not face showing up at my sister's house and hearing those evil words she'd say (it was stupid to even try....what a failure...what a waste...stupid idea to begin with...I knew it was a bad idea...) I came to a friend's in Tampa where I type this now. After this posts, I head back to try to explain to my mother what I've laid out here, hoping to show her that it was not stupid, that I am not a failure (though I feel one), and that I did everything I could to do what was right. Then I crawl back to her house again.

The Future
I'm left with the need for immediate cash and no time to again peruse full time a full time job. Sunday will bring me the classifieds and the decision of which telemarketer and/or restaurant I'm going to be working for in the meanwhile. Yes, I will eventually get back on the wagon and try my hand on the Fate of REAL employment, but right now I lack the luxury of time. I spent far too much money on gas and the occasion fast food in the Gainesville Adventure, and now must suffer the penalties of a bad choice.

But. I do not think the chance was a wrong one. Nor do I think I was foolish for trying to make it work. I truly believe that sometimes in life you have to gamble and by it's very definition, there is no guarantee of winning when you take risk. I come out of it with more knowledge and a better understanding of what I need to do in the here and now (not the maybe or hoping).

More then anything, I'm learning that it's ok to not be perfect. That mistakes are only failures when you don't learn from them.

Whew. Well, there's more going on (including updates in status with Kush-ka) but I have already been typing this for over an hour and I need to get going. Thanks for your thoughts everyone, feel free to keep them coming, but I hope now at least it makes a little more sense why things turned out the way they did.

Until again...

Thursday, July 05, 2001

Song of the day. Just heard it and liked it. It's Dido's latest. Has nothing to do with the huge amount of crap going on...that I can't get to today. I'll try to post that tomorrow. For now...too tired and worn out. So, just a song in my head.

With one light on in one room
I know you're up when I get home
With one small step upon the stair
I know your look when I get there

If you were a king up there on your throne
would you be wise enough to let me go
for this queen you think you own
Wants to be a hunter again
wants to see the world alone again
to take a chance on life again
so let me go

The unread book and painful look
the tv's on, the sound is down
One long pause
then you begin
oh look what the cat's brought in
If you were a king up there on your throne
would you be wise enough to let me go
for this queen you think you own
Wants to be a hunter again
wants to see the world alone again
to take a chance on life again
so let me go
let me leave

For the crown you've placed upon my head feels too heavy now
and I don't know what to say to you but I'll smile anyhow
and all the time I'm thinking, thinking

I want to be a hunter again
want to see the world alone again
to take a chance on life again
so let me go.

Hunter, by Dido

the rest comes later. maybe. life is chaotic and I hate it.

Tuesday, July 03, 2001

That’s all she wrote…

I’ve been thinking how I could have a new chance up here. A new life, a new person, a new ideal. That who and what I was would be fresh – what I wanted people to think and know, not what everyone already thought. I’ve been thinking that this provided me a chance to expand and grow; to be someone I’ve never been.

And all of that’s probably true, but today I realized there’s something else I need. To first get through with who I already am…

See, there’s all these things looming over my head. Thousands of dollars in debts, unpaid bills, and outstanding collections. Emotions, perceptions, and expectations by those who know me know (or at least think they do). Demands on my time, my thoughts, and what I needed to do to fit into my hole as others have pegged me. And by leaving, I wanted to run away from all of that. All those people, places, and demands I was not living up to.

But you can’t run from yourself.

And I’ve realized that by digging the hole of my problems deeper, instead of reaching the mountain top, I’ve simply made a bigger hole. I can’t keep running blind, gambling away the days, hoping for a big payoff. There’s no quick fix and no simple cure-all solution. Today I realized that there are some odds too risky to take and some obstacles that can’t be overcome with luck alone.

In short, I’m ending my Gainesville Adventure.

Not for emotional reasons – though there’s enough on both sides of the coin, both positive and negative to stay – but for pure and undiluted fact. Fact is, I have a lot I still need to do. A lot I need to assume responsibility for. A lot which needs me here and now, not later and maybe. I can’t run from my obligations and I can’t hide from my debts. I realized today that there’s a point in which you have to cut your losses and tuck tail for the greater (and more long term) good.

So, this will be my last entry from here. This desk, this company, this city I sought to call home. It’s been a thrill – a roller coaster ending far too short – but one which I hope properly conveys not the failure of these actions, but the lessons gleamed and the knowledge gained. I may not come out of this with much in tangible goods, but I come out with a grain of wisdom and the understanding that even the best solutions are not always perfect. That with life come an acceptable level of mistakes and that it’s ok to not be perfect.

The right thing to do can be the hardest, but learning from it, and moving forward for tomorrow makes it perfect.


Monday, July 02, 2001

hrm? msxml3.dll error 80070057? erm? sounds like a no-publish. grr...

Let’s see…random thoughts….

The pluses and minuses of being new
Actually did some work today. (a little anyway) Which is good because when you’re new, you don’t really know anything and therefore, can’t really do anything. Bad thing of course, is a couple months down the road, you’re wishing you still had nothing to do! *grin*

Dark cave of a cubical
They came by Friday afternoon and unplugged the fluorescent lights above my cubical so YEAH to me. It’s all nice and cozy in here now – I have a small lamp with a 40 watt incandescent bulb to add a bit of “warm” light – and I’m no longer panicked about migraines.

Living Quarters?
Still waiting to hear back from the HR department what happens to me after July 4th. See, they only got the motel room for me through then and well, I can’t afford to move into my own place yet! Won’t get a check until July 13th and there’s other bills that are going to HAVE to come first. (like my car so it doesn’t get repo’d and my storage unit so I don’t loose all my worldly possessions.) That’s over $400 right there and it will be a short check. Arg. Would really suck if they won’t pay ‘cause then I’d have to head home. *sad* And, considering I like the company and all, I don’t want to do that.

You’re right on Target
Need to go get shampoo and conditioner. Scraping the bottom of the containers for over a week now, but haven’t had the money to get any. Got my expense check (for the miles driving up for interview and such) but it’s almost completely gone already. (to nothing but GAS) Grr. Sucks that it takes me a full tank of gas to get round trip from here to my sisters. Be even worse if I was still at the old apartment! That was almost 30 more miles south!

Pasta on the Brain
I have a mad craving for Spaghetti. I don’t know why, but damn if I don’t want some. With the ruffle noodles – they’re the best since you can just spear them with your fork. They plump up when they cook and they’re the prefect bite-size. I actually wanted to make some last night when I was at my sister’s but I didn’t end up having the time since it was already 8:30 when I was just finally getting my laundry done and packed up. Grr. Since I have no stove, pots, or spaghetti fixings here, there’s no way I can make it. I don’t want to track down an Italian restaurant because I want my OWN. I like how I make it and damn it, I’m craving it!

Out of Interesting Titles
Sorry. Actually, out of interesting things to say to be honest. Just babbling to hear myself type. *clickity click click click…* Eh, what else are you supposed to do? Gotta kill the day somehow!!

Going to go ahead and post this. Not that it’s exciting or anything, but… I’m alive and all and might as well make some entries while I can. Haven’t written anything in the evenings lately (although I still do have the laptop) so maybe I’ll try to remember to write something interesting this week.


Oh, and just for Orb, I added the easy link for each post AND republished my ENTIRE archive so ALL entries EVERYWHERE are part of the new format and, in turn, have the self-same link!

Blarg! (complicated sentances first thing in the morning bad...)

:) There ya go deary! (see, I read my feedback, really I do! *hint, hint, leave some*)

Slacktoberfest entry here. Tired so eh…

--Work week.
--Spent all day Saturday driving all over Gainesville looking at apartments (and when I say all over, I mean, I used ¾ a tank of gas just that day alone!)
--Drove back to my sister’s Sunday afternoon (2 ½ hours), unpacked, did laundry (living in a motel, no W/D), repacked, and left like 9pm. Ugh. Drove through the dark AND rain, PLUS I was already exhausted.
--Work first thing this morning….soooooooo tired….

That is why this is a slacker entry. Too damn tired to write a better one.

. . . z z z . . .

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