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Monday, July 02, 2001

Let’s see…random thoughts….

The pluses and minuses of being new
Actually did some work today. (a little anyway) Which is good because when you’re new, you don’t really know anything and therefore, can’t really do anything. Bad thing of course, is a couple months down the road, you’re wishing you still had nothing to do! *grin*

Dark cave of a cubical
They came by Friday afternoon and unplugged the fluorescent lights above my cubical so YEAH to me. It’s all nice and cozy in here now – I have a small lamp with a 40 watt incandescent bulb to add a bit of “warm” light – and I’m no longer panicked about migraines.

Living Quarters?
Still waiting to hear back from the HR department what happens to me after July 4th. See, they only got the motel room for me through then and well, I can’t afford to move into my own place yet! Won’t get a check until July 13th and there’s other bills that are going to HAVE to come first. (like my car so it doesn’t get repo’d and my storage unit so I don’t loose all my worldly possessions.) That’s over $400 right there and it will be a short check. Arg. Would really suck if they won’t pay ‘cause then I’d have to head home. *sad* And, considering I like the company and all, I don’t want to do that.

You’re right on Target
Need to go get shampoo and conditioner. Scraping the bottom of the containers for over a week now, but haven’t had the money to get any. Got my expense check (for the miles driving up for interview and such) but it’s almost completely gone already. (to nothing but GAS) Grr. Sucks that it takes me a full tank of gas to get round trip from here to my sisters. Be even worse if I was still at the old apartment! That was almost 30 more miles south!

Pasta on the Brain
I have a mad craving for Spaghetti. I don’t know why, but damn if I don’t want some. With the ruffle noodles – they’re the best since you can just spear them with your fork. They plump up when they cook and they’re the prefect bite-size. I actually wanted to make some last night when I was at my sister’s but I didn’t end up having the time since it was already 8:30 when I was just finally getting my laundry done and packed up. Grr. Since I have no stove, pots, or spaghetti fixings here, there’s no way I can make it. I don’t want to track down an Italian restaurant because I want my OWN. I like how I make it and damn it, I’m craving it!

Out of Interesting Titles
Sorry. Actually, out of interesting things to say to be honest. Just babbling to hear myself type. *clickity click click click…* Eh, what else are you supposed to do? Gotta kill the day somehow!!

Going to go ahead and post this. Not that it’s exciting or anything, but… I’m alive and all and might as well make some entries while I can. Haven’t written anything in the evenings lately (although I still do have the laptop) so maybe I’ll try to remember to write something interesting this week.


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