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Sunday, December 23, 2001

Yet again, this is not a real post. *sighs* I've spent the last couple days doing nothing but running around getting al my xmas shopping done. Hellish you might think a mere couple days before xmas, but I've actually found everyone else friendly, polite, and openly talkative in a really nice way. Super surprising, but super appreciated.

Friday was my company's office party - our 1st annual - and it went well. Got complimented by the boss in front of everyone as he gave a speech. It was all good.

Really proud of all the things I managed to get people for xmas - especially for not having spent a lot of money on it. (the only reason there's any gifts at all is a last-minute referal bonus by our apartment complex for a friend who recently moved in) Orb, if you're reading this, you're getting slightly late xmas care package because well, I just got the stuff yesterday. But, look at it this way: it's something to look forward to.

Still wishing for a digital camera, but I know it's WAY out of everyone's budget. *sighs* Much like my Love wants a PS2. Dreams of taking pics on xmas day fill my head, but hopefully, I can get one with tax return money. (pending I get a return)

Oh well, need to run. It's late and my Love is worn out.

Merry Christmas Everyone

See you probably on Wednesday with a real entry I'll write at home on my pc.

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