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Monday, December 17, 2001

So, it's Monday and I'm (of course) at work. On lunch, being the digital geek I am and posting an entry.

Monday Mornings
I still don't know how my boss, Jim, manages to be so damned chipper and happy on a Monday morning. I mean I see where he's coming from when he says it's 1/7 of your life so why be miserable, but I'm just saying that no matter what time you go to bed on a Sunday night, it still feels like the alarm goes off approximately 3.7 minutes after you get comfortable and fall asleep. Why is that?? So...no being my normal, glum, trying-to-remember-how-to-deal-with-the-world self for me on Mondays now; just a lot of yawning and attempted perkiness. Hey, it makes him feel better if I at least try to act like Mondays aren't a bane of all that is eeeevil in the world. *lol*

Could it truly be Winter finally?
I heard a report on the radio this morning that we may FINALLY stop running twenty degrees higher then normal for this time of year and could possibly see some temperatures in the 70's starting tomorrow! Whoo-hoo! You have to understand that we've had NO break in our late summer weather at all this year. None. So, when it's December 17th and the highs still reach almost 90, it's muggy as hell out, and all you want out of life is to be able to wear a long sleeved shirt - even just once - the report that we are, after SO LONG going to have a break in this stagnant heat is so wonderful. Here's to a high of 76 tomorrow!!

O Christmas tree...
So, last night my Love and I put up our tree. It took us literally all day, stopping in like 8 places across three cities and two counties before we finally found a place that had something more then a Charlie Brown Tree. I gotta tell you, I was really starting to worry that we'd just not find a tree at all. After sacrificing paying bills just to be able to get the damn thing, that would have just slightly sucked. :) But, I'm happy to report success! And, we spent about half what we normally spend. ($45 instead of almost $80 - yeah, trees are pricey here because all we can grow are palms and oaks) Anyway, TREE! Tree! Tree! It's looking a bit lop-sided around the bottom, but you know what, it's a beautiful tree, it's full of my lovely ornamnets (some of which I am the THIRD generation to have on my tree; these things are like 60 years old), and all a sparkle with lights. I'll get some pics with my friend's digital cam hopefully tonight, so I'll post them tomorrow.

Looks like lunch is over (already). Bah humbug. Happy to report though that I can now swallow without pain and my throat is showing visual improvement. Five days in, five days left to go with the antibiotics, but it's worth it to cure the danned strep throat. (in the slightly humorous, but not really cause I didn't want anyone to get sick way, the sales manager got the strep throat from me but the reason this is slightly funny is that no one else in the office did and no one else in the office went psycho with spraying Lysol everywhere to try to NOT get it! Oh, poor thing...out sick today because of it.)

Alright, I think there was more, but here I need to close. Got a new person to train - oooh, a subordinate! - and tons of work to do. Have a good day all!

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