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Saturday, December 01, 2001

Ok, I'm thrilled now. It's working. Really, truly working. *joy*

Let's move on to the entry then, ok?

Florida - Land of Summer in December
I know people are going to smack me for this, but this IS a gripe for me. It's December 1st. Last month of the year. And, while the rest of the country is seeing cool weather and sometimes even snow, I'm walking out my apartment, hearing kids laugh as they swim in the pool. That was not a typo folks, it is still so HOT here that I'm sweating as I wear shorts and a t-shirt, and kids are swimming in the pool. Florida sucks. I know, I know, you're thinking how "cool" or "quaint" it is to have warm weather in December. But I assure you, after almost 16 years of living here, it's not. It's frustrating. Imagine living in an oven that just never turns off. You get sick of being hot; you get sick of psycho sun; you get sick of sunburns; you get sick of heat exhaustion; you get sick of sweating. Sometimes, all you want is a cool day. And, you think longingly towards the end of the year. You wait eagerly for winter to come so you get a reprieve. And then, when December comes and you're still miserable and hot, you get grumpy and sick. Physically and emotionally and mentally sick.

So, sweating on a hot December day isn't a blessing. It's a curse. One for which I'd LOVE to find an escape from. Even for a day. *sighs* When does it stop being summer...?

*side note: when do I stop getting bit to hell from mosquitos??* she says as her legs swell up in a dozen bites.

Work - the busiest day of the year
Man oh man, has it been busy this week. (ok, who am I kidding, it's been busy pretty much every day since I started! *lol*) Friday's one of my co-workers is off and it leaves us one person short in the office. I start at 8am and in theory, leave at 5pm. Most days, it's more like 5:30-6pm, but yesterday it was almost 6:30. There was just so much to do! What was funny is that my boss said to me "In your interview, you said you liked being busy" to which I replied, "well yeah, but I'm still allowed to bitch about it a little!" We both laughted, it was all good.

He told me that looks like come January, we're opening up a second office in another city covering a whole seperate metropolitan area. Cool! Business is booming and we're even hiring another person to help out part time so maybe I can make it home at five. Hee hee...that'd be a novel concept! :)

The good part of it all is that I'm really "one of them" (so says my boss); I'm really part of the core team. It's a good feeling.

Um...insert topic here
Ok, it's been all week and I've had tons of things to write about but I'm brain dead right now. I didn't feel good today and I don't really entirely now. This morning, I was SUPER sick. to the point that I was ready to pass out in the shower. I couldn't even open the damn flip top on the shampoo. I was that weak; like every single part of my body ached. I got out, laid down and took some painkiller so I took some aleve and nodded off. Woke up literally COVERED in sweat. I'm NEVER like that. EVER. I'm always cold. I still don't feel good...but I've been making it through the day. *shrugs*

I'm going to close for now because it's late and I need to get back home soon. *yawn* Besides, I'm getting chewed alive by bugs.

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