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Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Ok, geek I know, but I just love quizes. I'm too damned lazy to find them myself (ok, really I just don't have the net access time) so I generally surf over to justorb.com and look at Orb's log, or the DubberRicks group blog to see what they've been up to. Today's was a good one.

Which Evil Criminal are You?
The Evil Criminal Test

Congratulations, you're Elizabeth Bathory!

Hailing from sunny Transylvania, your first blood-related incident was when you stabbed a servant girl in the face with a pair of scissors for underperforming. Some of the red spray landed on your hands, and as you washed it off, you noticed that it left your skin fresh and young looking. From then on you were convinced that the blood of young girls was the secret to eternal youth.

Rather than killing girls outright by stabbing them or slitting their throats, you enjoy torturing them for weeks on end by pricking them with needles or prodding with sharp spikes - all to bathe in their blood. You've killed over six hundred women, all without raising a peep from the authorities.

Whoo-hoo! I'll be young and beautiful forever! *lol*

I know...alriiiighty then.

On a serious note, something is still seriously wrong with me. I'm thinking that it's some sort of posioning...be it food or whatnot. There's some toxicity problem in my system, I'm sure of it. Between the VERY high fevers, the light headedness, the dizziness, the muscle weakness, the extreme fatigue, the VERY upset stomach, and the pretty much complete loss of appitite, these are some weird-ass symptoms. They get worse too as the day goes on. Like this morning, I woke up and I was feeling almost normal. Yippie for me I thought. Then as I started to drive into work, my stomach just turned painfully evil again. Since then, it's gotten worse, my head has gotten really fuzzy and is hurting, and my face is getting all flushed again. This is not good. I have no insurance and no money to see a doctor. I'm really getting worried though since I've been feeling like this for almost a week now. Something is just wrong and I don't know what it is and I don't know what to do about it. Last night I was literally burning up so bad I was shaking with cold, but pouring sweat. I had to take four tylenol just to get it to lessen by the time I went to bed at 10:30pm.

Gods I just want to go home and go to bed...I dread that tonight I'll be again as sick as I was last night. That was horrible...and I don't know what to do about any of it. That's what makes it so bad. My head is all ick and I just want to close my eyes. I find myself unable to focus on anything for any amount of time. It's making things really hard here.

*sighs and trys not to just pass out*

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