wishlist and mailing address

Monday, December 10, 2001

Ah HA!! The feedback works again...one silly little change in the access...so...bring on the feedback!!

I'm updating the link on the left as well right now. Some comments were lost during the move. (sowwy) But, it's working again for new ones! Have a good one all, I've got to run and get my car. ($83.62 in extra fees from the dealership and $59.97 in extra fees for the rental - so much for an all-encompassing warrenty, hu? *lol*) The good news is that it's done anyway. Of course, with this much extra money going out again, looks like there is just no damn way we're going to get a tree this holiday. That's the shitty part. *sighs*

Anyway though, I gotta run. Leave me feedback!! (seeing as I've waded through all sorts of techo-babble to figure out how to make it work on this domain!)

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