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Tuesday, November 06, 2001

Thankfully, it’s a slower Tuesday then it was yesterday’s Monday…man oh man was it busy. I ended up getting out of here at almost 6pm (bear in mind that I start at 8am which means I was here for a looong time) Tinkering around today on cd labels – both trying how to figure out how the damn software works and then also trying to make it do what I want it to do with images when I have only MS Paint to configure the images. Oh yeah, it’s a challenge. Can you say, “Bringing in my PaintShop Pro7 tomorrow?” I knew that you could. *laughs* The good thing about it all though is that I had a chance to do something even remotely creative today which is a pleasant change. I’ve just been itching to do something with graphics and/or site design for days now and have lacked the time and opportunity to do so. (I’m even thinking of a redesign for the journal here, even though I like this version and that I only made it like a month ago…) I think I’m turning into Orb! *LOL!*

Joolo’s coming over tonight and we’re all going to watch the Buffy Musical. For as silly and campy as it probably will be, it looks like a lot of fun.

5:22pm: Had to go and say that I wasn’t busy didn’t I? Ha! When will I learn? Well, I have to head out now so this is the end of this entry. Got delayed configuring the pc and network of the Sales Manager’s New computer. Hopefully more tomorrow, but out for now!

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