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Thursday, November 01, 2001

One of my co-workers (one of the salesmen) just walks by, looking frazzled and says, "My mind is going in a million places!" At which, I turn to him and say, "Hey, at least it's going. Could be worse, it could have stopped." Silly, but true. I know that I tend to forget this fact myself far too often. When you're stressed, or thinking there's far too much going on and you can not handle it, putting it in the perspective that at least you're here and able to do it is an accomplisment. Sometimes I think we all forget how fragile life is and can be. Like my mom for example. Tomorrow she has to go in and have sugery on her eye. See, she had gotten an infection in it (part of the problem with her being immuno-suppressed because of several conditions like fibromyagia) and it watered non stop forever. After the better part of the year and several doctors and prescriptions to try to "clear up" the problem, she finds out that this whole time, her tear duct has been damaged and is stuck shut. She's actually lucky the doctor said that it didn't get infected a second time since the duct is what helps keep the eye clean and properly lubricated. Long story short, because something so small as this and the fact that the doctors didn't diagnose it properly, she has to get laser sugery to create a new duct. Health and life are precious, fragile things. Remember that next time you get huffing and puffing over something that doesn't really matter...

Speaking of huffing and puffing....
I left here at about 4:40pm yesterday and didn't manage to get home until almost 5:30 (big, nasty accident about 2 blocks south of my apartment complex). Got changed quickly and rushed out the door again to head up to Joolo's where I was supposed to meet everyone prior to leaving for trick-or-treating so I could get some pictures. Well, there was another accident on the way there and I didn't make it until almost 6:30! (and it's a 20 minute drive normally) Got there in time to catch up with them en route, snapped a couple pics while out, and about 5 houses later, they're done. Tired and wanting to go home (I don't think I EVER wanted to come home - I'd be out for hours when I was a kid!). So, after about two hours of hellish traffic to get there, I got about 6 pictures of the kids but none when they got back because they were all too impatient to wait for photos...they wanted to plow into the candy instead.

The party went only slightly better. By the time I got back down and got my Love (who had been waiting like 45 minutes for me since I was yet again running late) and got to the party it was about 9pm. Some people were there, but not many and the witch was waiting on a couple others before starting food, games, and stuff like that. By the time we finally had to excuse ourselves (about 10:30pm since we were both beat and had to be up by 7am today), they were just kicking things into gear. My luck... So, I have to speak with Joolo and see how it went afterwards.

The cool thing though is that I have som pics to upload from both Halloween, me with glasses, and some silly shots like my desk (see the crazy desk which spawned this website *lol*), and my office. I'm going to make some pages of them tonight or tomorrow and post the links at that time. Waiting, waiting, but it should be worth it. :)

Oh, speaking of waiting...I had been told by Joolo that within a package he got from Radical Edwardo, there was something for me as well. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what it could be and with work and all, was unable to get up there to get it until last night. Turns out she bought me the Godiva Halloween Bear I had been drooling over a couple weeks ago! WOW! That was so nice!! Thank you Ed!! (I took a pic of it too and I'll upload that one when I upload the rest).

Anyway, I need to get going since I'm doing this from work as always. Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. (under the first Halloween Full Moon in 46 years! And man, was it beautiful!).

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