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Friday, November 02, 2001

Ok!! Pictures are up!! A couple of them I added to the left hand side menu so they're accessable at any time (such as the silly look at my home desk and my halloween costume 2001). But, to make it easy, here's a run down of what I've uploaded and where to find it...

M's Halloween costume (as both a vampire and a slayer - hee hee)

The way cool Godiva bear that Radical Edwardo sent me for Halloween

Trick-or-Treating 2001 (including pics of my too-cute goddaughter, Rook - Joolo's daughter)

A look at my desk at home (see where I work when I create and update this site)

There was another one with pictures of my work, but I forgot to save those pics on the floppy last night, so they'll come tomorrow or so when I can get over to a friend's house to upload them. Thanks go again to my friend Rand for letting me borrow his overly expensive digital camera so I could take these pictures in the first place!! Oh yeah, I have a couple I took of me in glasses, but the lighting didn't come out so I'll try to get better versions before I give it back to him tonight. Don't worry! I'll get 'em up eventually!

Now, there was something else I actually wanted to talk about but damn if I remember what it is...got so distracted with the whole uploading of pics and pages that I've drawn a blank. Let me close for now and get back to doing work (oh yeah, today is my first pay day!! Whoo-hoo!!) and I'll post later if I get a chance. The guy who usually works up front here is off today so it's just me and that means I'm a bit busy with the general running of the office today...

Hope everyone is well and if I don't post more tonight, I'll post over the weekend from Rand's house. Ta!

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