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Wednesday, November 14, 2001

No time really for an update today. Not taking a normal lunch because we are having a meeting with food for all employees. So, I just wanted to make a quick note that this will probably be my only update for the day. I had a very nice person make a $15 donation to the site (I don?t know if they want their name listed or not, so thanks) and man, was that a surprise! Thank you so much for your kindness. As I?m sure you noticed if you?re reading this, the site is allowing me to make updates again, but I don?t know for how long. So, in the event this goes down, or is not updated within a day or so again, try one of these locations as an alternate:

M?s Journal Mirror (work-in-progress)

DDD What?s Going On?

I had this great rant to post about how this guy in front of me (in this totally beat up Dodge Omni or something similar ? all the identifying marks were missing) this morning had nothing but a handwritten note stating, ?Lost Tag B087890? on his car in lieu of an actual plate, but I don?t have time to get into it with the lunch meeting, so I?ll leave it at man, some people!

Have a good one all.

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