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Sunday, November 04, 2001

Just a short note....I'm at my friend's house tonight (was supposed to be over here yesterday but didn't make it) and wanted to make a post. Today we (my Love, my friend, and I) went to a cool Native American Art show. There was some amazingly cool stuff there - truly quality work ranging from paintings, sculpture, jewlery, and more. Nice, nice items. We picked up a print from this great artist named Donald Vann. He's full-blooded Cherokee and has some simply AMAZING work. According to the brochure I grabbed from his booth, he has two galleries based in Austin. (Too bad that's just a few too many states away for easy browsing!) Here's the pic we bought:

Beyond that...I guess I don't have much to say. I've not been sleeping so well lately and find myself tired just about all the time. I thought it was just because of the early morings for work, that I wasn't use to them. But, even this weekend, I didn't sleep. Kept waking up through the night and couldn't sleep past 10am (which is two hours earlier then I generally wake up on the weekend). What makes it worse is that during the day I start to nod off - I even took an hour nap at 5pm today before coming over here - and it still doesn't feel like enough. It worries me because sleeping has never been a problem for me. I usually sleep too much. Just another little frustration I suppose in the never-ending line of them in life. (happy attitude hu? *lol*)

All-in-all though I'm doing a lot better now then I've been any time in recent memory. I actually REALLY like my job. I'm not even bitter at the traffic or the 20 mile one-way drive. Everyone really likes me, compliment me all the time, and it's such an easy-going office (ie: get to wear jeans everyday AND we joke constantly) that I am for once, not dreading being there. It's a weird but cool feeling and I enjoy feeling so appreciated. The fact that I'm making good money at it and was promised a raise in 90 days on top of it makes it even better.

Um...I think there was more I wanted to mention, but I'm really distracted for some reason so I don't know what it would have been. (oops) I'm going to close here then.

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