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Wednesday, November 07, 2001

Just a quickie update (don’t I say that everyday?) to let everyone know what’s going on…

The Site
A reminder, gothic-angels.com is the domain that has been hosting me for about a year now. The journal, the main site, and the images for the forum are all there. My whole web presence is there. Well, it’s closing on December 1st. So far, I’ve got $28 towards hosting from the commission from vampfangs.com Halloween sales, but that’s about it. It’s enough to register a domain name, but I’m still needing the monthly hosting costs (looking like about $15 odd bucks a month).

Yesterday, the site was apparently down for a significant amount of time and I even lost some feedback here on the journal. (see note from this morning below). It’s a bad sign of things to come. If I up and disappear again, everyone should bookmark several alternate addresses of places to reach me, the site, and the journal.
DDD – What’s going on

DDD Site/Forum News & Announcements on the DDD Forum

One of these places will be updated by either myself (as possible) or Orb as things happen. Sorry for all this but it’s going to probably continue to be unstable and confusing until things are situated for good.

Continues to go well. I like it here and they like me so it’s a good thing. *smiles* I’m getting paid a good salary and it’s a weekly pay period, so it definitely looks like I will have a chance to catch up on some bills in a decent amount of time. Still need to tightly budget out my money, but there’s definitely things like internet on the horizon. Pardon me a moment while I just yell out “Yippie!”

Well, since someone asked, I actually enjoyed the Buffy Musical. It was campy (but isn’t that the fun of Buffy in general?) and funny even though not all the actors could exactly hold a note. *lol* I still enjoyed it and it was certainly different as episodes go so that’s a good thing. Refreshing change I suppose you could say. (Besides the fact that I’ve had the one line of, “Where do we go from here…?” stuck in my head for like three days now). All-in-all, I liked it.

Anything Else?
Um…I don’t think so. Not really. Man, I’ve had some boring-ass entries lately. Nothing actually interesting, just belated notices of things that already happened (such as the site going down). I need to try to write some entries from home that actually contain some content (when I’m not typing like mad in the couple minutes my co-worker is at lunch and I can use the PC) It’s just late by the time I get home, then figure out something to do for food, and realx for a couple minutes, maybe watch a tv show or two before it’s time for me to crash in bed. (I’ve been going to be at the insanely early hour of like 10:30 – 11:30pm!!) But, when that alarm goes off at 6:45am and I’m looking at a loooong day ahead of me that’s just nonstop, I just am so worn out, I can’t help it. That’s the thing that sucks about working…no time to do anything but try to catch up on rest when you were trying to get stuff done. And Saturday I need to bring my car in to the dealership at 10am. Spent like $300 on the brakes back in April and they’re squealing and grinding and the pedal is soft on me…like 6 months later! Damn am I mad. (and worried that I drive like 40 miles a day in HEAVY commuter stop-and-go traffic with failing brakes). This will be the third time I think that I’ve had to have the complete brake system redone…I’m getting really mad about it too. Anyway, I need to run. Time’s almost up. Have a good one all…happy Wednesday. (subliminal note: you will watch west wing tonight…you will watch west wing tonight…) *lol*

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