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Saturday, October 20, 2001

Wow. Where to start?? SO much to tell everyone, so little time to do it...let me follow through in chronological order so it makes sense... (hopefully!)

Tuesday's Interview (or, "More then just a Buffy Night") =D
Tuesday I had a spur-of-the-moment interview (he called THAT day and asked if I could come in). It went so well that I was in there for an hour and a half! (poor Joolo had to come down on a moment's notice to drive me there) The guy started the interview off by reading the things in my resume that he liked. That was a first. I had never had someone tell me from the very start how perfect I was for what they wanted. (They usually are cold, distant and make you really PROVE to them that you're worthy of being in their presence) He was so energetic and really just positive that I was amazed. (anyone who's spent any time in the corportate world knows that company Presidents don't ever have a personality, let alone a NICE one!) He basically wants someone to come in and do just about everything from design and maintain their corporate website from sratch (hello nurse! a REAL chance to be a REAL webmaster!!), to be their PC guru, to design marketing promotions, ads, and other creative things, to write policies, etc. for them. He wants his right-hand person. (did I mention that he's the owner/President of the company??) Put it this way, one of his partners came in to ask him something in the interview and he introduced me as the "future MIS manager!" Woah! I left there SO positive for the first time in so long...I just had such a good feeling about it when I got the call and was getting ready. I just thought to myself that this was going to be good and it was. He had two other people confirmed for an interview on Thursday and would get back to me after that. I left there 99% sure I had the job... (I couldn't sit still during Buffy I was still just buzzing from how well the interview went)

Oh yeah, a side note for TV fanatics (like I can be at times), I watched the premier of Smallville on the WB and it was actually really good. It's Clark Kent as a teenager just coming into knowing who/what he is. I'll be watching again.

Wednesday - Waiting is the hardest thing
Watched Enterprise and West Wing (two great shows) and spent some time online...

Thursday - Truly "Given Eyes to See"
My Love got a call from his mom Thursday telling us to come on over - she had my glasses all ready! (It was supposed to take at least a week or so and she got them done in FOUR days! I did mention she's an Optical Tech didn't I?) Wow! I was so excited I couldn't wait for him to come home. We drove over there and I got my first look at the world reclaimed...wow. She did an AMAZING job on them...a nice pair of Brooks Brothers frames that retailed for $139 for a whopping $44! She also got some nice, ultra thing, ultra lightweight, anti-scratch, and anti-reflection coated lenses put in them. They simply were perfect! (yes, yes, pic will come shortly - just trying to type out all that I need to report on now!) Yeah, I can see distance again! (although...ugh...it's going to take me awhile to get used to seeing through them. Right now since I've never worn glasses, I get very dizzy when I turn my head at all while wearing them..the world sorta "shifts" and it makes me sick for a second. Joolo called it a "fishbowl" affect, but whatever you call it, there's definatly a breaking-in period for new glasses wearers!!) Good news though!

So, we're leaving his parents house and my cell phone rings. Mind you, it's like 7:30pm at night and it's a number I don't know. But I go ahead and answer it...it's the guy from my interview! He basically asks me if I've had a chance to think through the position, if I was interested in it still (uh, YES!!), and offered me the job!! It's a really good starting salary (one that he was afraid I would be unhappy with if you can believe it) with a promise - in writing! - of a review and raise in 90 days. But, he assured me that he doesn't want to "waste my talents" getting "up to speed" on the business any more then a month. So in less then a month's time I'm going to be a full time MIS manager/webmaster/marketing manager/etc. HOLY SHIT!! =D =D =D I just can't tell you how excited I am about this job. It's like nothing else and it's one of those once-in-a-lifetime opprotunities that will give me so much room to do more things then I can even think about and more ways of using my creative/technical mind to a creative challenge! YEAH! Someone who from my resume understood that I'm a wholly unique and dynamic person who can (and will happily) learn just about anything! *smiles* By the way, I start Tuesday at 9am! Good news, good news!

Friday - Several Hours at the DMV
And the good news doesn't stop there. I arranged a ride over to the DMV and waited for almost two hours (making the comment The jokes about the DMV would be a lot funnier if they weren't so damn true) but, I was able to get my driver's license again!! Yes folks, I am LEGAL to drive again!! *happy happy happy* As a matter of fact, I drove myself over here to my friend's house today, thank you very much! (wow did it feel nice to actually drive a car again..oh how I've missed my Angelique! [side note: my Mustang is white and I named it Angelique])

Saturday - Pumpkins Beware!
Ok, so I actually need to get going because today is our annual Pumpkin Carving Party. We all have one each year and this years is today...like in 45 minutes. *running late as usual* It kinda sucks because carving them today means they won't last through Halloween, but...eh, at least it's following our annual tradition. Rand brought his digital camera, so I'll have some shots of that too...(and since he already left and has it with him, the glasses pics and the shot of my valid drivers license will have to wait too until tomorrow probably).

Anyway, GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS AND MORE GOOD NEWS! Yeah! It's about damn time!! Had to share...but, I need to run. More later...

Take care all and be well! *smiles!*

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