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Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Ok, NOW it's time to say.... BOO! *lol* Happy Halloween everyone!

This morning, I showed up for work in my fangs but nothing else of my costume (expect a t-shirt with a bat on it). I didn't make any big thing of it and just let everyone notice when I spoke or smiled or whatnot. Their reactions were great! Everyone did a doubletake and laughed and then said how cool they looked. All-in-all, it was a lot of fun. :)=

Tonight is a complicated issue though...have to get from my work to my apt.to grab some things, then all the way up to Joolo's house (only about 1 1/2 away from where I am now!) so I can meet up with him, my Goddaughter, my friend the Witch, and her son. We're going to get some pics with my friend Rand's digital camera (thanks again!) as they Trick-or-Treat. After that, it's coordinating with my Love to meet up somewhere in the middle as we head over to the Witch's house for a party. Its a lot of scheduling and manuvering, but I think we hammered out the details and it should go smoothly enough. Problem is that I didn't get to bed until after 1am last night (actually, closer to 1:30am) and when getting up at 6:45am, that's not a lot of sleep. Seeing as I'll be at a party tonight, I don't foresee myself getting to bed early tonight to make up for it so I know by tomorrow I will be hating life! I mean, I could go for a nap right now - can you imagine how sleepy I'll be by tomorrow?

I redyed my hair last night (or, more technically, my Love donned the gloves and dyed it for me as I stood there, cringing that he'd do it wrong seeing as he's never dyed a woman's hair before!) and that always takes a rather long time...it came out a lot redder and brighter then it did the first time so I'm a REALLY red headed redhead now! I also tried to get a new, smaller pair of fangs to mold for me, but I just couldn't do it because my bottom teeth have gotten all crooked and the molding just wouldn't hold properly. (I had braces for years as well as two operations of my mouth to correct my jawline and straighten my teeth...but, a few years ago I lost my retainer and ever since, my bottom teeth have been painfully shifting back to their screwed up positions. Lacking money to do anything, I've not been able to get it corrected and thus, they're all wonky). So, looks like I have to stick with the ones I got (and molded) last year...they fit well enough but the problem of course is that they are too long, so I can not actually close my mouth and that hurts after awhile. (a short while) I really wanted to be able to wear them all day (and the smaller ones I bought allowed me to close my mouth), but looks like I'll just wear them as needed for trick-or-treating and the party. Sucks... (or should that be "bites?" LOL)

Um....beyond that, I can't think of much to say and I am rambling on at work, so let me close here. Digital pics of tonight to follow hopefully in the next couple days...I'll post 'em ASAP. (and you can all see my cute little goddaughter in her butterfuly costume complete with wings!) Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone and a magickal Samhain and happy new year as well.

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