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Monday, October 15, 2001

Ok, it's time for some silly quizzes today...Hey, it's fun and gives me something different to do for a change. All these come from Emode.com Take them yourself and leave me some feedback on how you scored in comparison! Ready?

What color is your aura? Take the Test
We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Crystal vibe. That shimmering, iridescent aura reveals your sensitive, introspective nature. A soft-spoken romantic at heart, you like to think of life as a fairy tale — complete with a happily ever after ending. But when you occasionally misplace your rose-colored glasses, your idealism can take a pounding. That's when you retreat inward, spending meditative time by yourself to restore your sometimes-too-fragile outlook on the world. Because of your delicate sensibilities, you prefer people and activities that don't challenge your ways and views. But once you find a kindred spirit, you're fiercely loyal — friends 'till the end. Quiet and gentle, you're a thoughtful soul with a shining light around you.

The All New Ultimate Personality Test Take the Test
You idolize Donald Trump. You aim to succeed — and you'll quickly crush anyone who stands in your way. You want money. You want fame. You want that big corner office. Your closet is brimming with red power suits. You know how to impress people, and you know how to have a good time.

You're very ambitious and personable, and you've got a great sense of humor. You care a lot about how you look. You're bursting with self-confidence, and people admire you for your achievements and determination. Behind that bold exterior, though, you sometimes worry that you're not good enough. But, hey, don't we all?

Professionally, you're extremely motivated. But you can be so critical of your work that it may be self-destructive. Nevertheless, people generally know that you're a solid, reliable person who can perform under pressure. After all, you read Forbes and follow proven strategies for success.

What Type Are You? Take the Test
You are an Intellect
If you were one of Charlie's Angels, you'd definitely be Sabrina, the brains behind the operation. Besides the fact that you're well-read and have an insatiable desire to learn, you can hold your own in any intellectual sparring match. With a wall full of diplomas, or at least a few in the works, your hobbies and interests reflect your intelligence. Whether you're reading the New York Times or catching up on the latest independent film, it's clear that your wheels are always spinning. You probably aced your SATs, tend to scoff at "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" (even though you know all the answers), and kick butt at Trivial Pursuit. Guys love the challenge of trying to seduce you. Your brainpower drives them crazy, and you're smart enough to know that it puts you in the driver's seat.

Are You a Slacker? Take the Test
Hey -- you're no slacker. You're just fronting. Lucky for you, you're not too uptight either. You've struck that wonderful balance between slacking off and keeping busy. It's not an easy task, so congratulations. Your efficiency and determination let you work in a timely manner. And that laid-back approach means that you'll never get too stressed out. Sometimes you're pulled in two different directions, but you know how to handle it. You can take control of a situation without strangling it. This healthy style of work will lead to both success and happiness. What more could you want?

Are You Sure You're You? Take the Test
Great news! There's a strong chance that you're really who you think you are. Most people have fallen victim to the hazards of modern times. But you're one of the lucky few who has managed to keep a strong sense of identity. No matter where you go, there you are. Keep it up, because being you is an incredibly valuable skill.

Of course you may have a few residual doubts. There may be times when you wonder if the real you hasn't wandered off somewhere - to join the circus, or an Internet startup. That's normal. But based on your responses, you don't exhibit too many of the warning signs. You've kept the high-risk identity-loss activities to a minimum. You seem to have a firm grip on your priorities, and you know where you're heading.

Some suggestions for remaining yourself: keep a journal where you can write your more intimate thoughts. If you ever start losing your identity, you'll have persuasive legal proof of the transformation. Another idea: label your underwear. During an identity crisis, it's usually the first thing to go.

*whew!* Ok, enough quizzes for now...some of these are too funny though. The questions and answers are just humorous. A person could spend hours here! *laughs*

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