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Monday, October 15, 2001

(click to see full size)
Ok, one last post before I have to go home (yes! I have been online all day! *grins*) I wanted to make a halloween picture for use on my forum so I used my friend's digital camera (drools) to take a couple pics with me in my fangs (you can buy your own here for as low as $6.99) But, the pic was so small that it sorta defeated the point...that being said, I made some larger versions that you can actually see. Anyway, it's just for fun, but I love Halloween so let's have more fun! *smiles*

Have I mentioned how much I love digital cameras too? Damn I want one really really bad...they're even cooler of course then a webcam since it's more portable and can take higher quality images. (not like I'd turn down a webcam or anything if anyone had one they wanted to donate.. *smiles*...but...a digital camera is still on my list of things to get...

But, back to the pictures...Makes me wonder how many other people like Halloween as much as I do...I just LOVE it. I love dressing up, I love the way it's a day that it's ok to be "different" and it's a day when magick just rings in the air. I don't think you can ever be too old to enjoy Halloween...

Anyway, I should close. It's getting late and my poor friend still has to drive my sorry butt home...take care all...

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