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Monday, September 17, 2001

Part of a discussion on my forum (thread found here) about the thoughts of non-Christains (and specifically Pagans) during this time of National Mourning...words I wrote that I did not want to lose and thought were worth repeating for others...

Sarya....I must say I read your post from top to bottom and felt a resonance with my own thoughts this week. Admist this terror and horror, I've felt the need to cry, to mourn, to rage, and even - yes - to seek my personal form of Divine solace. Being slapped in the face throughout it all that the only acceptable "divine" source for America is that of only the Christain god, I too have felt left out of the right to mourn...

Each time I hear Bush speak, I cringe - for I know that the statements he make are exclusivly that of his personal, Christain beliefs...just as my heart is moved to a patriotic moment (for which I admit I rarely feel), joining in the unity of the Nation and feeling for a moment the connectivity of us all, it is shattered with "God Bless America." I find myself wondering...why? Why is it that the Leader of the Country states over and over on worldwide press clips his personal endorsement on all of America's behalf of Christianity?

I don't want to be misunderstood here, and I know that this is a touchy subject and one easily twisted...I have nothing against Christainity...but...like Sarya, I agree that being left out of the "Official" National religion this week has made me feel less of an American...that the basic tennet of our government - the freedom of religion in ALL its forms - has been dismissed for a press opprotunity...that a tragedy as serious as this nation has ever known is being used as a means to an end to drive America all the deeper into the hands of Christiandom...

The right to mourn and pray (or not) in each person's own way MUST be upheld in this time above all others... For it is in the deepest sorrow that we must be the most accepting...it's a lesson I only wish I could teach Mr. George W. Bush.

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