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Monday, September 24, 2001

Ok, first off people....if anyone reading this has a problem with the content of the SITE and/or the FORUM, please don't leave your comments here about it...this is my JOURNAL and is not the place to rant about how much you disagree with DDD. In case the REALLY obvious color scheme difference, the different title, and totally different content didn't clue you in, let me make it clear that my journal is NOT DDD...it's just by the same person who Admins DDD. Leave your comments and thoughts on the DDD guestbook, not in my journal's feedback!


Anyway...let's see. Well, last Friday was supposed to be my last day at the Mental Health Center, but most of the West Coast of Florida (and most of Central Florida as well) was under a tornado warning/hurricane watch. Having moved in with my Love already, I was a good 45 minutes from work...the agency that I was working through did not open until 8am and I was supposed to be on assignement at 8am. All the schools for four counties were closed and it was nasty out. Problem...so, I called them, left a message asking them to call me ASAP to let me know what to do about the assignement. In the meantime, I hoped in my car and hoped for the best. (I figured that I'd do the right thing and at least try to make it in there since I had not heard otherwise). With downpour of rain and winds gusting 35-45mph, I began my drive. It was about 8am and I was about 10 miles away still (but closer there then home by far!) when my cell phone rang...it was the agency telling me that they were closed and that I needed not show up. Arg!! So, I had to turn around and drive back into the worsening storm to get back home. All told, almost and hour and a half of driving when I should have just stayed in bed and not bothered. Hate when I try to do the right thing and the lazy thing was the better route...

Hrm...beyond that...haven't gotten anything else (though I've been on a second interview that I was sure I nailed, but as days pass and no call, perhaps not) and am dealing with the stupidity of said agency when trying to get two weeks worth of checks needed to pay my car payment (that whole pesky don't-pay-they-repo thing). The long and short of it is that I was supposed to get a check two weeks ago and another last week for my final two weeks at the Mental place. Neither has shown up. They make you wait 10 days before they'll reissue you a check and despite the fact that I only have until close of business TODAY to make my car payment (that was due Saturday the 22nd, but was extended through today because of a lot of begging and some crying) the agency says that there's no guarentee that they'll have the check today and that it's coming from their Dallas office so...well, they're doing their best. Hello?! You've known for two weeks that the check was lost, that I had not gotten it, that I sorta NEEDED it (correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most people work because they actually need the paycheck to pay bills?) and that I had to technically wait until the 24th to get a duplicate? So then, why are you telling me that you'll just now START the paperwork process and that it may be another couple days before I get the duplicate?? GRRR...so, my friend has yet again come to the rescue...tacking on another $342 to the massive amount I've already borrowed from him just to ensure that the payment gets in today and that whenever they decide to give me the check, I'll pay him back. *sighs* Why is it that just when things are hard enough, they get that much more difficult?

Let's see....beyond this unending nightmare, my Love and I made a great purchase a couple weekends ago...a fondue pot. Mmmm..see, I love going out to eat at this place called Melting Pot (a fondue resturant) but it's a big more expensive then eating out at Chilli's or something. Add to the fact that it's a good 2-3 hours of actual eating time (the three courses, the cooking, etc.) it's hard to go there often. So, for a whopping $20 at Target we got ourselves a cool ass fondue pot to make it at home. And let me tell you what, it's GREAT! *grins* All the yumminess of fondue, all the comforts of your living room. It rocks. Best damn $20 I've spent in a long time.

What else...? Well, on a personal, spiritual level, I've come to the conclusion that I'm definately been having some weird experiences just on the edges of sleep the last couple weeks. I'm seeing people in great detail I don't know and hearing them speak...beyond that, I'm seeing places they're showing me and other objects and sights. I'm starting to think that my Mediumistic tendancies are coming out whether I want them to or not. I was over at the Witche's house last week and was physically affected by something there - it's always a very LOUD place for me to be - which was identical in nature to something that happened to her only days before. (she is also a Medium, but she does not try to supress it like I've always done) Part of my quest for greater acceptance and understanding of myself has made me aware of these tendancies and talents within me and additionally, aware that I can't run and hide from them. It's still kinda creepy to me and it still bothers me a little, but I think that it's important that I try to encourage - not supress - this aspect of me. Because above all else, it is part of me and therefore isn't wrong...

Also, I'm starting to wonder that what I've always referred to as a sort of "empathy" isn't really just a fuzzy telepathy. Thing is that for some reason, I've always discounted telepathy as fiction. (I know, I know...) I've never honestly had much faith in it's real-life existance until recently. Met a couple people who have this talent, have determined that at the very least I can (and do) pick up on directed thoughts, and that I can recognize this talent (now that I've seen it first hand) in others...I also have an odd habit for just "knowing" things about people before they say anything...it's like slowly waking up though...this idea came to me softly and I'm still trying to explore it and see it for what it is and not what I may try to make it. Just intrigues me though since I there are things about me that I'm still really truly learning...it's nice sometimes when you have pleasant things surprise you for once and even nicer still when it's something good about yourself...

Anyway, I'm babbling. I need to run to the bank to get that check in for my car payment. (Good thing too that I got the check from my friend - it's now 3:11pm and haven't heard shit from the agency!) Trying to work out my bill with Time Warner (they say $200, I say $100) so as soon as I get them to agree with me, I'll be getting RoadRunner hooked up again...mmm... I can almost taste it...soon, soon...I can't wait much longer...

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