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Wednesday, August 15, 2001


My very, very special thanks to Radical Edwardo for her amazing donation of $109 to the cause. Several others have contributed as well (sooo nice of all of you!!) and have been thanked with a special icon below their nicks. And then...someone contributed another $109 (the amount we needed to complete the purchase of Gold), but withheld their name, so while I can not give thanks personally (nor grant you your icon!), my thanks. *smiles*

So, right now, we are at a surpluss of $125! This means that any extra features they offer in the future, we will have the funds to purchase, and/or when we need to renew our Gold membership in February, we'll have it! Anyone still wishing to support DDD (the Forum or the Site) is welcomed to add to the surpluss (make a donation for the forum here) or, make a contribution to my PayPal account (button link just below) towards the site.

Gothic-Angels.com Going Away - Domain Needed!
Because...subject #2: gothic-angels.com is closing it's doors. I don't know why, but on the main page of the domain, there is a notice that all hosted sites (that's me) need to move before December 2001. This is a panicked thing since I have no place to move the site, this journal, the images used on the forum, etc. I refuse to go back to a free site and want to make the jump to my OWN domain. So...anyone wishing to help (and help is needed!!), please either make a donation through PayPal, or drop me a note in the Feedback and we can discuss the details. Your support is appreiciated and helps us all! A little from everyone gives everyone a lot back! This place has gotten so huge that it's too much for just me to pay for anymore. We've got too much traffic, too many people, and use too much bandwidth for me to keep up with. :) The price of success I guess! Anyway, your help is needed and a thanks in advance. Supporters and Patrons of the Site will get a note on a special page after our move... (if you want). Just a way of saying thanks to everyone.

Me, Myself, and I
Well, I wish I could report that things were as good for me offline as they've been going online, but that's sadly not the case. Right now, I'm stuck in a position where money will be coming in (from a temp job I accepted), but not enough and in not enough time. Everything - such as my car payment - is needed now (in the case of my car, I've got 6 days left to pay the $643 past due or they repo), and I won't get any sort of check for another two weeks. Arg. Life is frustrating me to no end because of stupid money. Why money has to literally rule our lives is so beyond me. It pisses me off that generally good people just get so fucked over because they are not rich enough to not worry. Seems so stupid to have to spend one's life in perpetual panic over keeping a car or a roof or food. What's the point of it all when you can't even enjoy any of it? I can't enjoy anything of life when I'm so busy stressing that I can't manage to support my life. (and needed things like food and clothes) Arg arg and more arg...

Anyway, just the quickest of entries...wanted to catch everyone up since it's been awhile since I've had time online. Luckily, my friend Joolo is patient enough to allow me my internet junkie fix. *lol* (just barely) Hee hee. So...anyone seeing him around, thank him for the fact I'm here at all! :)

Take care everyone and hope things are better with you then they are with me!

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