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Sunday, July 15, 2001

It's official. I'm a red head.

Well....that is if you count burgandy as red and dammit, I do! *lol* So, I did it. Bought some PERM dye and made my hair the color that I temp dyed it last time. I did it all by myself. But MAN the perm stuff SMELLS! The temp stuff didn't have any scent, but...whew! the perm was nasty. And, oh, the 25 minute wait! Seemed like forever.

But! It's done. And it looks like it worked! (it's now dark out and there's not really enough light to truly see it, but enough to get an idea.) So...using my sister's webcam, I snapped a shot. The color is weird since the webcam has color problems, but it's a look anyway!

Hee hee! I'm a red head!

*giggles and giggles some more*

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