wishlist and mailing address

Thursday, June 28, 2001

Whew. Been a busy day. Lots of learning how to navigate around in the databases of clients, providers, and such. On a funny note, there was a Kindred Medical Care and a Dr. Dickoff. *giggle* I kid you not on either.

What? Oh, you’re wondering what’s going on? Well, I’m still here. Wrote out an entry last night on the laptop explaining it, so I’ll have to remember to save it to disk and post it tomorrow. The short of it is that they put me up in a hotel room for a week and after that, I’m not sure, but for the meantime, I’m here!

It’s a bit lonely, but at least last night was not evil, I had cable (yippie!), got to relax, and most important, got some sleep. Joy of joys. You know, I just had to turn the “check grammar as you type” to Off because it kept hating everything I wrote. Damn thing. What does it know anyway? Where was I…? Oh yeah, non-evil living quarters. Man, I don’t know what to tell you about that oddball trailer. It’s just pure, miserable, and bitter evil. Yuck and more yuck. Just did not want me there and fine by me since I didn’t want to be there either! I don’t know what the problem is, but…eh, c’est la vie.

Ooh, mail. (work email, but when you’re email starved, anything is better then nothing!) hee hee…it was a funny comment by my Love to me. Made me smile and laugh and that’s a damned good thing since it can get really sad in another city all by your lonesome. It’s nice seeing an email from a friendly name, you know? Sorry all, I can’t just release it to anyone since it *is* a work email, but I’ll see what I can do about getting a hotmail one or something until I can get my own place and get my own pc back online, ok? Details will come as I can get time to explore the notion. (add it to the many things I need to catch up on!) Damn I miss regular internet access!!

Anyway, really should be finishing updating this report I’m in the midst of creating, so I’ll close. Nothing interesting to report thus far, however, I may head out into Gainesville proper tonight or tomorrow to eliminate some of my cabin fever. Not that I have money to spend, but it might be nice to just get out into public, look at some stores/shops, etc. Get a better idea what’s around too. *shrugs* Knowing lazy me though, it may be tomorrow since I’m tired tonight! (although the prospect of an actual meal is so distracting, I may just follow my stomach and worry about the financial impact later…life gets hard when you haven’t eaten a hot meal in almost a week…two cold turkey sandwiches and some crackers aren’t a lot to go on.) Eh, welcome to being poor!

Be well, eat well and send some my way! *laughs*

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