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Saturday, May 26, 2001

(yeah yeah, still feel like crap, but I'm playing around online because dammit, I miss it)

Here's my virtual model. What do you think? Look like me? Says it's me based on my actual (*gasp*) measurements...hmmm... Personally, I'm not so sure - think I'll stick with my own pics, but this could be fun to dress it up in things I'd NEVER wear! Hee hee...wonder what kinds of *non-standard* stores offer this service...ah well....

It's like a modern-era paper cut out doll. I love it! Too fun. Get your own (male OR female from my virtual model Warning, I think it renders these things on the fly and as such, even on my friend's cable modem, it's slow. Those on dial-up, be patient. It's actually a lot of fun though!

ugh....need to go.....need to go lay down.....g e t . o f f . i n t e r n e t . . .

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