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Monday, February 26, 2001

Quickie post...

I have my hemotologist appointment in less then an hour now and I admit, I'm a bit nervous. Considering the latest thought is that perhaps my bone marrow is deficiant, I have just cause to be nervous. I don't know what we'll accomplish within two days (insurance runs out on Wednesday unless I COBRA it and pay $220 month which I don't have) but I figure I might as well try. Took me almost three weeks just to get the damn appointment in the first place-specialist, *humphf*-so there's no point in canceling. Just don't know what we're going to do and what he's going to say. I'll try to post what I know (if anything) when I get home.

Just scared about the whole thing and really not wanting to deal with it. Curling up in a little ball is sounding better and better by the minute...

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