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Tuesday, January 30, 2001


Grrr! They have the A/C set-as usual-to "Artic" in here and it sucks!! I am so damned cold! Pants, long sleeved shirt, leather jacket, and I'm still shivering. My nose is cold, my feet are just numb, and my hands ache from the chill. Why do people feel the need to keep it set at like 60 when it's only 70 outside?? ARG!

Is it 5pm yet? Please? If not, can we just collectively rise from our desks, turn off our computers, and pretend it's five? If we all agreed, who would stop us? It'd be a revolution. Oh yeah, I'd love it. Why not? We did it once-to get people fair wages, guaranteed breaks, better benefits, shorter days-so why not know? Why not institute another revolution to make a four day work week? Or, shorten the days to six hours? It's 2001 for crying out loud! Where's my robot servants? My moving escalators? My flying cars? Dammit! Spoil me!! *lol*

Blah. Seriously, I'm just dying for the day to be over. It seems like it's crawling by. Hate days like this. All you do is stare at the monitor, knowing there are things for you to do, but not caring nor wanting to do any of them. When visions of your warm, soft couch call to you and you can just feel yourself bundled up like a little kid by your comforter with your head on your down pillow. You wonder if you can get away with closing your eyes-just for a moment-and nodding off for a few. Then, fearing that you just might even if you weren't planning on it. When you lean back into your chair, slumped, back of your head resting on the chair top, feet propped up on your PC tower, realizing that yes you could doze off that way.

Or maybe it's only me.

Bah. Another two and a half hours. Might as well be two and a half days! Don't even get me started on how it's only Tuesday. There's another rant no one wants to hear. Ugh.

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