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Wednesday, January 31, 2001

BAH...this is all screwy. So my timecard was for three weeks this time but just found out I don't get three weeks worth of pay to reflect it. It's screwed up. Basically, I get the same, salary hours each 15th and
30th/31st of the month. Any changes from standard (plus or minus) show up on the following check.

So....I got paid the standard salary for the period 1/16-1/31 with the plus or minus from the period 1/1-1/16. Does that make sense? I understand how she explained it, but it still seems like I'm perpetually behind somehow. I basically am salary but get paid 'exception' hours-overtime or negative
hours if I take unpaid time off. I get 24 checks that equal to my annual salary, but one check period after, I get a plus/minus from that amount based on hours. In short, I only got 60 hours of pay deposited because I had time missing from LAST pay period. I was expecting not only at least a full 80, but EXTRA hours. I planned the whole budget based on the fact we'd have enough money left over after my check paid rent to survive. This sucks.

Shit. I am sick of this! I'm fucking working!! God dammit! and we still are fucking broke!!! I turn in a time card for 101 hours but get paid for what? 60 hours or some crap like that??? What the fuck is the point if I'm working and we still don't have any fucking money????

Minus rent and it leaves us with a whopping $40 until he gets paid again on February 9th We can't do that! We can't live on $40 for two weeks!! I use more than that in just GAS to get to and from work!!!!!!

I can't take this. I really can't. I haul myself out of bed everyday, exhausted, hurting, miserable, sick and for what?? It's not for this fucking job I HATE or the commute I spend screaming literally at the top of my lungs in frustration until my throat is raw and I am sobbing. What's it for?? So that I can still be broke? That I can still fucking starve because I don't have money for lunches?? That I can just sit in the dark when they turn off my power because I didn't have the cash to pay the bill?? Not to mention the brakes on the car are soooooo bad…oh gods, the entire car tries to shake apart when I stop-pending that I can. It's so dangerous because I spend my whole drive in and home constantly on my brakes. Beyond the fact that it gives me such a headache to have the entire car vibrate like a washing machine on overload, that the steering wheel shudders under my hands and that the car jerks off to one side or the other from the imbalance…forget that we just spent $350 on new tires and we're already ruined the alignment and are now badly wearing the tires, forget the fact that I lose control of the car every time I have to stop, forget all that, but I also can't guarantee I can stop anymore. I can slam the brakes, the car starts shaking apart, and I close my eyes, bracing to hit. It's that bad. And, I was planning on getting that fixed this check. Now, it will be at least another two weeks and at least 500 commuter miles before I can think about it!!!

I AM SO PISSED about this. I can't take coming to this fucking job every damn day for nothing! I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate it. I hate it (you know what I have to do now? Go through the newspaper and cut out these little articles, paste them to paper and mail them to the other offices! what is this kindergarten???)

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. And it's only 9:30am. Tell me again why I don't just get up from my desk and leave? Why I don't just walk away and tell them to kiss my ass?? Not in any better position anyway, so why deal with this shit?!?

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