1st Ever Tampa Flash Mob - August 16, 2003 @ Citrus Park Mall
Arranged by TampaMobProject.com and the details of event schedule are listed here

Flash mob: n. 
A large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform some brief action, and then quickly disperse

Here you can see people sitting in chairs and mall shoppers starting to stop to see what it's about

The mall rent-a-cops come by and start hassling people, telling them to stop making noise - with little effect

a large crowd had gathered to see what was going on

people applauding at the end as the final scripted event of the mob

There was ONE thing that kept it from being a perfect day: One asshole mall rent-a-cop
One guy in particular was an absolute asshole. He would get right in the faces of the people who were teenagers (and only the teenagers, he didn't say a thing to anyone who was an adult) and literally scream at them in their face. My friend was with me (in addition to my Love who also joined in on the merriment and singing) and he told him off. Said he needed to pick on someone besides the kids. Called him an asshole. So the jerk actually called one of the real police officers who was around and had him physically escorted from the mall. 

The mall rent-a-cop was nothing more then a bully who wanted to pick on the kids - and single them out for his abuse. So, my suggestion is that anyone who was there, or even anyone who thinks that his behavior is just mean and he's nothing more then a bully, that if you ever see him at Citrus Park Mall, to boo him. Unfortunately, due to the moving crowds and an inconstant flash, the pics I have of him are blurry. 
Boo him severely. This dude is an asshole!
When all other mall security just milled around, trying to keep things under control, he got nose-to-nose with teenagers and screamed at them.

Look like fun? Want to get in on the quirkiness and creativity of it? Here's some resources to find mobs planned for your local area:



.:. giveneyestosee.com .:. journal .:. photos .:.