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Saturday, September 06, 2003

So I finally laid down to bed a little while after I posted my last message. Couldn't fall asleep for about an hour. Slept through about 7am, then woke up and laid there for another hour. Fell back asleep and finally got up for the day at about 11am. All told, I was in bed for about twelve hours and I slept about ten of that. I'm always so afraid to get up after a night I went to sleep to try to escape a migraine because I never know if it's really gone. It's like even when I open my eyes and it seems like everything is ok, there's the echo of the migraine right there and I worry it's not just an echo and that it will come back. Pain like that really conditions you - you simply will do anything to avoid feeling it again.

But luckily, it was gone and I got up and had no problems during the day. After my Love got home from work, Rand, Jef and Karii came over to play Soul Caliber II and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Chaos Bleeds (Jef had bought the Buffy game for his Xbox and stopped by on his way to work - he works a 10pm-10am shift over the weekend). Everyone had a good time.

Today, we have a wedding to go to for people I've never met. Co-workers of my Love. It's not until like 7:30pm, but still...blah. Weddings are so boring. A lot of sitting around, bad food, cheap drinks (if any), annoying DJ's who think somehow they're original, and the waiting game to see how quickly you can get out of there. *lol* Especially when it's people you don't know and the party will be full of people you don't know. At least if there's other friends of yours going, it's a little easier to pass the time. Not to mention we need to spend money buying them a present. Blah again. Yeah yeah, happy day for them and all, but just so boring for the rest of us. *shrugs*

That's my quick check-in for the day since we've got to run around a bit before we drive the 40 minutes to the church later tonight. And, I think the concept of breakfast is calling to me. Ta for now.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Migraines suck ass.

Can't sleep. Can't read. Can't watch tv. Using my eyes hurts. Moving hurts (even in the most slight ways). The meagerist light source burns afterimages into my eyes even as they're open so things blur and bleed around the edges. I feel sick. My neck is in a vice and it's literally hell. And I have nothing, zip, zero, ziltch I can take to get rid of it. I fucking hate migraines.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Aye, ye scurvy dog! Know ye th'Skull & Scuppers? I've a fierce fire in m belly t' swill a pint or two o' grog.

(translation? Hello, stranger. Can you help me find a pleasant pub? I have a strange desire to have a cocktail.)

Find more - and get yourself prepared for September 19th - the Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Arrr ye lubbers!


cue the Charlie Brown teacher voice:

wha wha wha wha wha whaaa...

Seems that I lately I've been simply terrible about updating this thing with any regularity, but I'm either doing way too much or way too little to write something. And then, the times that I have way too much going on, seem far too much to bother typing up whereas the times when I have way too little going on, there's no point in saying,I have nothing to say. *shrugs*

Last couple days I just didn't feel good. Both my stomach and my head were hating me. My stomach seems a bit better today - finally! - though my neck is all out of whack still. Not sure if it's because I wasn't feeling well and it got tense from that, or if I slept wrong the other night and being ill hasn't helped it or if it's just the fact my neck is permantly screwed up and hurts every single day of my life in varrying degrees and the last couple days are just bad days, I'm not sure. All I know is that it's really driving me crazy and it's times like this I get so frustrated at it.

The week before we went to Disney, I put in an application for part time help at one of the bookstores in the mall. They never called me back. *bah* There's another book store a couple miles down the road and I think I'll try to go that way sometime this week to pick up an application. I really do want to find a part time job. Something just to bring in a couple extra bucks and to get me out of the house a little bit, but not so much that I'm going to shell-shock myself with too much at once. I know me. And I know how hard it's going to be to get back out with people, in a working environment and back on a schedule. It may be really hard to understand, but it's almost terrifying to me sometimes. I worry about how my depression will cause me to react and so I know that I need to do this kind of thing slowly - otherwise, I'll make myself fail and that will just be hell on my mood and self-esteem. So...planning on finding something easy and part-time and that I can do in my days. The car situation will still be hard - having only the one that works - but I think that the only way to try to improve the situation is for me to get us a few extra dollars each month. This way, we can put some money aside and really not have to get so stressed over counting pennies every other week. It'd be nice to do more things like our Disney two-day "vacation" and with a hell of a lot more regularity and not having to suffer because of it. I also know that I really need to get out of the house and that being here, trapped like this for so many hours alone isn't healthy for me. I'm not only not helping my depression, but I'm becoming alienated from people in general and that's just not a good thing. I was really upset that the bookstore didn't even call me for an interview. I would have been a great fit there. I'm trying to stick to some of the bookstores at the moment because it's more the environment I want to work in. I don't want anything that's real crazy (something like the Disney Store which I assume wuld be a lot like working at a toy store - seems fun on the outside, but is hellish, hectic and full of screaming kids) and since I really love books and reading I think it's more up my alley.

We're apparently having some friends over tomorrow to play more Soul Caliber II which should be cool, though I get so frustrated when I don't know what I'm doing in the game and I just get my ass kicked. It makes me feel so pathetic and it's stupid how deeply it bothers me, but at the same time, it just does and I can't shrug it off. Anyway, I need to go clean up the living room a bit since it's a mess (I've been working on some long-overdue outsendings for pX. I just hadn't sent anything in almost a month and I had to kick myself in the butt to get going again). Guess that's all for now.

fucking blogger. it's now 4:42pm and I've yet to been able to get it to post.

Monday, September 01, 2003

The rest of the week recap...

On Wednesday, Jef and Karii came over to play some Soul Caliber II. Jef bought the Xbox version and Karii the PS2 one. We played for a couple hours that night and had a good time. So, Rand had a half day on Friday and he picked up the GameCube one (the system that we co-bought together). On Friday night alone, we played for seven hours and twenty minutes! Oy! Needless to say, it's cool and addictive. Saturday, we hung out around the apartment and played yet more Soul Caliber II. Sunday, we changed scenery and went over to Rand's house and he broke in his new grill with some steaks. Earlier in the day we drove all over trying to find the Component Video Cable to hook up the system to his new HDTV (and thereby take advantage of the game's hi-res mode)
The Component Video Cable supports component signal input with specially designed games, for the latest video technology including 480p progressive scan on high definition televisions.

Utterly, no luck whatsoever. Sheesh. Best we found was one place had the Xbox one, not that it does us any good. Apparently, we must be the only people to have an interest in getting this cable as a search through both EB's site and GameStop (Babbages) site didn't find any. *sigh* Looks like it's only available from Nintendo directly. How odd.

Beyond that...not very much. Started to feel pretty damned sick this afternoon and it didn't really get better. In fact, I could barely touch my yummy dinner (steak, baked potato, corn on the cob, fruit salad and some cookie dough pie I didn't even manage to take a taste of for desert). Bah. Just got a headache and all queasy and did not feel good at all.

Now I've been at the pc for like an hour and a half (since we got home basically) and I think I'm going to meander towards the couch. The pc's starting to aggravate my head and I really have nothing else to babble about anyway. ;)

there is a tubby tabby laying on my lap. she makes it very hard to type because she pushes the keyboard tray under the desk with her girth. :) but shes a big pretty girl anyway.

oof! I can breath again! Ok, let's see if we can't actually finish an entry now that she's decided to go lay down on the bed instead of me.

Disney Recap: Part Two
So....we started Monday morning off with a trip to Epcot to ride Mission Space (and Test Track, though, after my Love feeling sick from the former, we decided to skip the latter) and then hopped back on the Monorail and hit our favorite: The Magic Kingdom. We wanted to get photos of the chess board in the Pirates of the Caribbean because my Love had heard a rumor that it was in a stalemate. That would be funny because they are both skeletons, so they died with neither winning. It took quite a bit because the dungeon (which is in the line for the ride) is about a story down and pretty much almost completely dark. We borrowed our friend Rand's camera in order to get the shot since he's got a really nice Nikon with a 3x zoom. In the end, I did manage to get the perfect shot.

After that, I took a ton of pics with my camera - scenery, Main Street, Adventureland, Swiss Family Treehouse, Frontierland, Liberty Square, The Haunted Mansion, and Fantasyland - of the rest of the park. We got to ride a few things and got ourselves some food and then the skies opened up in a torential downpour complete with really, really dangerously close lighting. It rained so hard, so fast that the park flooded. There were free-standing puddles everywhere - some several inches deep. It was one of those you think it's a hurricane storms that just comes in out of seemingly nowhere, spawns all kinds of nasty things like tornados and causes utterly life-threatening lightning. It continued for about an hour before lightening up and then for another half-hour or so it rained lighter. What sucked was this happened smack dab in the middle of the day - like 3pm - and since the park wasn't closing until 8:30, it was far too early to (try) to leave for the day. So we stuck it out and once it eased up, we rode a few more things (though many things were closed or WAY overcrowded as people took shelter in the covered lines) and then, since my Love still wasn't feeling good - from the damned Mission Space ride that morning - we finally called it a night about 6:45pm.

I was able - thanks to the persistance of my Love - to get a way cool Haunted Mansion black baby doll tee and a wicked cool silver bat-tipped, old-fashioned "key" that's a keychain that I had wanted before it started to pour but which the cart that sold them had closed because of the rain and was not reopening. I forgot to get pics, but they are two way-cool items. My Love got a 3/4 "baseball" style shirt in two-tone blue that says "evil" on the front and has the demon guy from Fatasia on the back. Uber cool as well.

All-in-all, despite getting rained on two days in a row and my Love getting sick day two, we had a good time. :) So endeth the Disney Recap.

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