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Friday, August 03, 2001

Tonight we went over to the "witch's" house again...it was slow, but odd also.

I'm spooked over the brief contact this "male" spirit/ghost/energy made with me tonight. We walked though the woods to the cemetary (she's out in the middle of nowhere) and that was fine....but then we came back and started the search for the missing necklace...so I'm standing there, at the edge of the pavement, looking into the woods we crossed through, and it's really quite. Next thing I know, I just hear a word on the wind - in my ears, but more in my head... I think it said... "who...?" like as in "who the hell are you?" but, then my friend joolo and another friend came walking up....

...poof it was gone....

...but it's like I can still almost feel it...I hear shit all the time - I actually Listen to too much - but, this was different...it was SO clear. it was a totally different voice, not just something that I translated into a voice in my head...but it was not in the cemetary, it was at the edge of the woods. The cemetary itself was quite. (but it buzzed with hiding energies)

Most times when I pick up on something, it's not so much a "real" voice as much as it is something that I make into something that's understandable mundanly - ie: a voice. but this was a voice on the winds....it spoke of it's own power - not my own...I just can hear that type of thing so I did...

And I feel weird. Jittery. Fluttery on the inside. And my thoughts go back to that brief moment.

I don't know. It's just weird. And I feel just ...off...somehow.

Thursday, August 02, 2001

I will "fix" the feedback link eventually - at least before it actually opened in the pop-up like I wanted it to when it gave an error...now it just gives an error and won't open properly. Grr.

Anyway, no entry in days since I've been offline for days now. Life at my sister's continues to degrade...(yes that apparently is possible). I don't really want to talk about anything right now..just wanted to let everyone know that I'm around, just stuck offline.

Miserable and frustrated and sick of being everyone's whipping toy...


That's it. no mood for typing. Actual post hopefully soon (pending when I can get online)

Monday, July 30, 2001


This page gives a cool script that makes the script for controlled pop-ups. Previously I was using a cut-and-pasted code I borrowed from my friend Orb for the Feedback link...but, it gave an error. So, I tried this...and guess what...error.

I think Blogger likes to fuck with my code and cause errors when there is none.

Anyone have any ideas? Or help? Or solutions?
Grrrr again.

Not fixing it now...pissed.

testing to correct (hopefully!) the error I was getting with the code for the Feedback link....let's see what happens!

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