100 Things You Never Needed to Know About M
Been meaning to do this forever. keep reading people's factoids and keep thinking I need my own. It's just a harder to do thing then you think. how exactly does a person fit their life into snippets of trivia? who knows, but dammnit, I'm gonna try to figure it out. So, randomly as it comes to me til I get bored (or you do)

1) I love to read. a lot. I have to have a book-in-progress at all times
2) generally it's fiction and specifically fantasy
3) I only have a discount card for Waldenbooks though I buy most from Barnes & nobles
4) I always leave a minimum 20% tip unless the service is horrible then it's just barely 15% but never less and sometimes more if it was really good.
5) Even if the service was REALLY bad, I try not to piss off the server. I mean, my food is in their hands you know?
6) I am wateraholic. It's all I drink.
7) specifically it has to be Zephyrhills Natural Spring (not their nasty "drinking water" one) and it has to be in a Sports Bottle
8) Cold stuff hurts my teeth bad - hence the sports bottle top
9) I've tried all sorts of toothpaste and stuff to make them less sensitive but it never helps
10) I "gum" ice cream cones - bite them with my lips because the back of my top front teeth are the worst
11) I was a thespian in high school.
12) even Vice President of the Drama Club
13) I have always had a fascination with the stage, acting, and general performing.
14) People always beg me to leave their answering machine/voicemail messages for them because I have a "great voice"
15) I believe I could make a killing at Voice Over/ Voice Acting.
16) I have no idea how one goes about doing that sort of thing
17) I sing in the shower
18) and the car
19) at at my pc
20) a lot
21) I've been told by musicians that I should sing professionally or at least more often
22) singing is not like acting, I'm afraid to do it in front of others
23) I'd secretly love to take singing lessons though
24) I am right-handed
25) but tested exactly equal right and left brain dominant in my Gifted classes
26) I was supposed to skip 4th grade but my mom didn't want to alienate me from kids
27) I was rated a genius iq when I was 9
28) I was the "disappointment" of guidance counselors everywhere when I showed 0 interest in college
29) I skipped all the time my senior year of high school to sleep in
30) my mom still has no clue I did that
31) I love the smell of vanilla
32) I can't wear perfumes because my nose is too sensitive and will give me headaches
33) I chew my nails constantly
34) I have never even thought of dieting a day in my life
35) most people hate me because of that
36) I tend to dislike people as a whole
37) but am very loyal to my friends
38) I've been able to see/hear/feel 'ghosts' and 'spirits' my whole life
39) 25 years later it still creeps me out
40) I am really bad at math
41) and not so good at spelling (but I've been working on it for years with mixed results)
42) I do not believe there is only ever one right answer
43) I believe it's not about black and white but shades of grey
44) I have always felt "grey" was the correct spelling and refuse to use "gray"
45) I love stuffed animals
46) I have dozens and dozens of them
48) I hate dolls
49) they creep me out
50) I want to write novels but am too flighty to get them out of my head and onto paper
51) the corporate lifestyle kills me a little bit more each day
52) I have absolutely no sense of time
53) without a watch I can't tell 5 minutes from an hour
54) I am currently obsessed with getting my hair dyed to the right shade of red
55) Three tries later, I've not found it
56) I am very lazy about shaving my legs
57) when possible, I just wear pants
58) I have reoccurring dreams of driving a stick-shift convertible
59) I don't know how to drive stick
60) I love pens
61) black ink over blue always
62) I love getting mail
63) I really want a matching bedroom set (headboard/footboard/dresser/nightstand/etc)
64) I've never had one
65) before it got turned off, I would use about 1,000 minutes a month (peek) on my cell
66) and that was holding back & watching minutes
67) I use a Microsoft Natural keyboard and Logitech Marble Mouse only.
68) I have bird bones (5 1/2" wrists)
69) But I've never broken any
70) I had braces for almost 4 years
71) I need them again since my teeth are all moving around again
72) my jaw is too small for my teeth
73) I have always been nocturnal
74) even as a very young child
75) My mom figured I'd grow out of it
76) Yeah, she was wrong on that one
77) I love stuff and buying stuff and shopping for stuff
78) "I'm a material girl living in a material world"
79) I think roses are my favorite flower
80) But I really love so very many
81) I do not eat vegetables
82) no really, none (no salad or anything)
83) (yes, another thing my mother thought I'd grow out of)
84) But I have a huge love of just about every single fruit
85) Coconut is evil though
86) The less I have to do, the less I manage to get done
87) Godiva is the best chocolate in the whole freakin' world
88) My favorite is dark chocolate
89) I've been a fan of Garfield forever
90) I used to have a complete Garfield sheet set when I was a kid
91) When I blow my nose, it's annoyingly loud
92) I had the chicken pox when I was 16 (a junior in high school)
93) I have horribly ugly scars all over my back and shoulders from them
94) my first 'real' job was in a toy store
95) it was not even remotely as fun as I thought a toy store would be
96) I love the fact that I have small feet (size 6.5)
97) I have on hand a collection of stickers, stationary, stamps, colored pencils and markers at all times
98) I hate cooking
99) I have to have a blanket, jacket, or other item to stay warm with me at all times
100) Given the chance, I can ramble on about almost anything.

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